About Us
Purpose of the Website: Provide high-quality resources to assist educators in Oregon to improve student learning and outcomes.
Purpose of the Transition Network Facilitators (TNF): This transition team will support alliances that will shift the perception of society and raise expectations for individuals who experience disabilities so they can live integrated lives in Oregon communities based on choice.

Transition Network Facilitators (TNF)
Sarah Statham
Region 1: Transition Network Facilitator
Sarah was a special educator, focusing most of her teaching career on transition education. She has been a TNF for over 4 years and loves her work.
| Counties: Multnomah, Washington, Columbia & Clatsop.
- Email: sstatham@mesd.k12.or.us
- Phone: 971-280-5245
Eivind-Erik Sorensen
Region 2: Transition Network Facilitator at Willamette ESD
Counties: Tillamook, Yamhill, Polk, Marion.
- Email: Eivind.Sorensen@wesd.org
- Phone: 503-385-4680
Josh Barbour
Region 3: Transition Network Facilitator
Josh Barbour has worked as a TNF serving Linn, Benton, Lincoln, and Lane Counties since 2017. Prior to working as a TNF, Josh has been a Special Education Teacher in Eugene 4J, School District, Lane ESD, and the Centennial School in Bethlehem Pennsylvania | Counties: Linn County, Lane County, Benton County, Lincoln County: Lincoln County School District | Support Staff: Sherri Townsend
- Email: josh.barbour@lblesd.k12.or.us
- Phone: 541-337-9504
Les Rogers
Region 4: Transition Network Facilitator
Les has worked as a high school teacher for a decade, Federal college level TRIO Grant Director, and as a college level Accommodations Director. Les has also been appointed by the Governor to serve on the SICC state special education council, and the Universal Healthcare Taskforce for Oregon as well as serving on the board of CFC Syndrome International. | Counties: Douglas, Coos, Curry County | Support Staff: Kim Rencher, Holly Coulson
- Email: les.rogers@douglasesd.k12.or.us
- Phone: 541-530-1544
Cindy Cameron
Region 5: Transition Network Facilitator
Cindy has worked in a middle school and high school supporting transition. She has also worked for Developmental Disabilities as a service coordinator specializing in transition age youth 14-21 turning 18, moving from children services to adult services and writing Individual Support Plans. | Counties: Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath Counties.
- Email: Cynthia_cameron@soesd.k12.or.us
- Phone: 541-521-3079
Kriss Rita
Region 6: Transition Network Facilitator
Kriss Rita's experience includes working as a Learning Specialist and Transition Coordinator for the Centennial School District serving students ages 16-21, organizing an international learning support program and teaching at The Green School of Bali, and teaching Interagency Collaboration and Person-Centered-Supports to upcoming special educators as an adjunct faculty member at Portland State University. She also holds a graduate certificate in Positive Psychology, a coaching certification, and a Love + Work Leadership certification, all of which fuel her passion to support students and teams to flourish. | Counties: Clackamas, Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam.
- Email: krita@clackesd.org
- Phone: 503-908-4847
Marguerite Blackmore
Region 7: Transition Network Facilitator
Marguerite Blackmore, Transition Network Facilitator with the High Desert ESD for Deschutes, Jefferson, Crook, Lake, and Wheeler counties, brings over 20 years of experience working with individuals with all abilities. Previous roles in her career include Autism Specialist with the High Desert ESD, Special Education teacher at the Bend La Pine school district’s Transition Program and Therapeutic Recreation Specialists. Her love in her work includes person/organizational planning, team collaboration, graphic recording and supporting students toward their best version of themselves. | Counties: Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Lake, and Wheeler.
- Email: marguerite.blackmore@hdesd.org
- Phone: 541-693-5717
Lon Thornburg
Region 8: Transition Network Facilitator
Lon taught in public school for 13 years; Regional Specialist with IMESD Assistive Technology and Traumatic Brain Injury consult 10 years, currently serving as TNF Region 8 IMESD (10 years). | Counties: Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Baker, Grant, Harney. Wallowa and Malheur.
- Email: lon.thornburg@imesd.k12.or.us
- Phone: 541-966-3162
Oregon Department of Education
Shava Feinstein
Education Program Specialist 2 IDEA Programs | Office of Enhancing Student Opportunities
Shava Feinstein is an Education Program Specialist in the Office of Enhancing Student Opportunities at ODE. She has over 27 years of experience working in various roles in Special Education that include classroom teacher, Teacher on Special Assignment and Special Programs Administrator. Shava is dedicated to the provision of high-quality transition services for Oregon's students and improving post-secondary outcomes for individuals experiencing disabilities.
- Email: shava.feinstein@ode.oregon.gov
- Phone: 971-208-0247
University of Oregon
Charlotte Alverson
Principal Investigator (PI) Oregon Post-School Outcomes
As principal investigator (PI), Charlotte is responsible for all aspects of the project. She is a technical assistance (TA) specialist for the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative, funded by U.S. Department of Education. Her work focuses on data-based/informed decision-making processes, implementing evidence-based predictors of post-school success, and building strong secondary transition programs to improve post-school outcomes for students who experience disability. To all her work she brings passion stemming from 13 years of secondary classroom experience with students who experienced complex support needs.
- Email: calverso@uoregon.edu
- Phone: 541-346-1390
Cindy Post
Content Specialist/Research Specialist
Statewide TA for Post-School Outcome (PSO), Oregon Transition Resource Handbook, Development and revision of new and current PSO documents, Maintain PSO App 2, Dashboard information and PSO Resources on the OTE website. Cindy has been working in transition for the last thirty years, twenty with the University of Oregon. She is the statewide Technical Assistant for PSO and enjoys working with all the wonderful district personnel.
- Email: cpost3@uoregon.edu
- Phone: 541-579-4800
Jackie Burr
On-line Content Resource Manager for Website
Manages the website https://transitionoregon.org/ including the facilitation of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (Accessibility). Jackie has been active in special education for thirty-seven years. She has taught school at the elementary, middle, high school, and college levels. Jackie was the State Transition Specialist at the Oregon Department of Education from 2004-2012 and was also an Education Specialist for the State Departments of Education in West Virginia and Oregon.
- Email: jackburr777@gmail.com
- Phone: 518-925-6884
Jesse Berkey
Project Coordinator
Jesse coordinates meetings with the PSO team, helps plan and create content for PSO events, and assists as needed to meet the project timelines and objectives. He joined this project in 2024. He has worked in education and rehabilitation services for 18 years.
- Email: jberkey@uoregon.edu
- Phone: 541-346-3577
John Hunter
IC Consulting Inc Owner/CEO
Post-School Outcomes (PSO) Application Developer, Maintain PSO APP. John is a software developer and IC Consultant.
- Email: john.hunter@teamic.org
- Phone: 503-559-5015
Tel Woolsey
Analyst Programmer II
Website and hosting administration. Tel has worked at the University of Oregon for over ten years and has managed the technology needs of multiple projects including Post-School Outcomes.
- Email: tel@uoregon.edu
- Phone: 541-346-3566