This is my archive

Life Transition Assistance
  • Independent Living

Life Transition Assistance (related to youth leaving secondary education, or individuals transitioning to or remaining in the least restrictive living environment).

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Accessible Chef
  • Independent Living

Accessible Chef is a collection of free visual recipes and other resources to help teach cooking skills to individuals with disabilities at home or in a special education classroom.

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Dad, How Do I?
  • Independent Living

Videos to provide useful , practical content to many basic tasks.

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How to Adult
  • Independent Living

Videos to teach young people how to deal with basic adult problems such as: public transportation, health, cleaning, fixing household items, etc.

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Services for Voters with Disabilities
  • Independent Living

This site provides resources such as alternate format ballots, demo ballots, and using tablets for marking ballots, to assist people with disabilities in the voting process.

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SPED Transition Tools
  • Independent Living

Point of view videos by transition teachers for teaching pre-vocational skills and daily living skills.

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Infographic for Students
  • Self-Determination & Communication

The ARC of Oregon has developed an infographic to help students learn what types of choices they can make, how to get help making those choices, who they want to help them, what they want help with, and when they want help.

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Infographic for Family/Care Providers
  • Self-Determination & Communication

The ARC of Oregon has developed an infographic to help family and care providers to understand their 18-year old’s legal rights and how to support the teen in making important decisions in their lives.

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Supported Decision Making
  • Self-Determination & Communication

Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) website. Explore resources for implementing Supported-Decision Making.

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5-Point Scale Blank Organizer
  • Employment

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