This is my archive

Daily Living Recreation & Leisure-How to use Google Maps
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This App is free and teaches how to use Google Maps to assess accessibility or routes and locations.

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Reading Supports—WeZoom Magnifier app
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This video reviews the free WeZoom App, a magnifier for distance and reading. This app is for Android devices only

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Reading Supports—Read&Write by texthelp
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Read&Write is a literacy support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work.

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Reading Supports—BARD-Braille and Audio Resources
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BARD is an App to access braille and audio resources on your iPhone. BARD is free once the person is eligible for Library for the Blind materials. This video reviews settings and trouble- shooting for BARD.

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PreEmployment-General Employment Skills—The Calm App
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The free Calm App, uses music and meditation to reduce anxiety or nervousness.

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PreEmployment-General Employment Skills—Pictello Job Interview Example
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This video is an example of a job interview. To buy the Pictello product for $19.00 go to

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PreEmployment-Alarms/Reminders-Reminder on iPhone
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The free Reminder on iPhone App explains how to set a daily or weekly reminder.

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PreEmployment-Alarms/Reminders-Reminder on Android
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The free Reminder on Android explains how to set a daily or weekly reminder.

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Note-Taking–How to Use Note-taking Apps

This video gives an overview of several free note-taking apps, highlighting the best and poorest features of each app reviewed.

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Note-Taking–CollaNote, the iPad Note-taking App
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This free Notetaking App, with many practical features is to be used on an iPad.

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