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One-Page Profile Example-Josh Barbour
  • Independent Living

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Developing a One-Page Profile Lesson Plan
  • Independent Living

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Community Maps: After the Map Think About It
  • Independent Living

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Community Maps Observation Form
  • Independent Living

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Community Maps: Map of Downtown Eugene
  • Independent Living

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Community Maps: Description
  • Independent Living

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Community Maps Lesson Plan
  • Independent Living

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Virtual Tours: Buckingham Palace
  • Independent Living

Virtual field trips fill in for real field trips open doors to places that would have been inaccessible even in normal times.

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National Museum of African American History & Culture
  • Independent Living

The NMAAHC will help students learn more about African American history and culture through stories exhibitions, and publications.

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Let’s go to Japan!
  • Independent Living

This google interactive presentation will give students an overall view of the culture, wildlife, and attractions of Japan.

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