Follow-Up Interview

The Follow-Up Interview is the tool used in collecting post-school outcome data.  Districts and schools will conduct these required interviews by contacting former students who were receiving Special Education Services one year beyond exit from high school. These interviews are conducted via phone by school district personnel.  After the surveys are complete, the analyzed data will provide both state and district-level reports in order to help inform program change for future students.

Accessing the ODE Post-School Outcomes (PSO) Application 2.0 for the Follow-Up

This one page document describes how to gain access to the PSO Application 2.0.

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The 5 W’s to Understanding the Post-School Outcomes (PSO) Data Collection

The purpose of this document is to support understanding of the PSO data collection requirement by briefly answering the what, why, when, where, who, and how questions commonly asked about PSO data collection.

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How to Navigate the ODE PSO App 2.0 for the Follow-Up Interview, including reviewing the student list, tips and tricks, and additional resources.



Fillable PDF of Post-Secondary, required Follow-Up Interview.

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Word document of Post-Secondary, required Follow-Up interview.

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Word document of Post-Secondary, required Follow-Up interview in Spanish.

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Follow-up survey designed to be filled out by the student, family member, guardian, or others.

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Follow-up survey designed to be filled out by the student, family member, guardian, or others.

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A one-page document designed for Students and Families that explains the purpose and process for the Post-School Interview.

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A one-page document that explains the purpose and process for the Follow-Up student list review, including dates available.

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Contact History for Follow-Up

Fillable PDF for tracking PSO contact attempts to be manually entered into the PSO 2.0 App.

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List of Minimum Wage by City/Town for Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, and Washington.

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Telephone script for interviewers with strategies based on possible responses. The document also includes a page to fill in local contacts of resources available for young adults.

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Tips from the National Post-School Outcomes Center to increase response rates

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Tips on conducting PSO Follow-Up surveys, including strategies to avoid participant refusal and strategic responses for interviewers.

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